It's a snow day; sent home from work at noon yesterday and local government closed today!
I have been thinking about a scenario for this battle since reading some posts about in on The Miniatures Page. Spanish Fury:Actions seemed like a good choice of rules for an action this size.
I will be playing this game on Sunday afternoon, before the football game.
The Second Battle of San Juan, the Boqueron Hill, June 18, 1598
George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, left England on March 6, 1598, with a large force; 20 vessels in all. He sailed for the Americas, intent on attacking and capturing San Juan. He would not repeat Sir Francis Drake's mistake of attacking via the seaward approach. Cumberland landed his forces a day's march from San Juan. A four gun battery on a hill at Boqueron blocked his approach. John Berkeley led the English attack. As the land forces moved up the hill, an English ship was grounded on the shoals facing the battery and opened fire.
English Sir John Berkeley
English Veteran Shot 6 stands
English Veteran Shot 6 stands
English Veteran Pike 4 stands
Corsair Shot 5 stands
Corsair Pikemen 5 stands
Shore Party 4 stands
Shore Party 4 stands
1 Saker
2 Saker
3 Shore Party 3 stands
4-6 Nothing
Spanish Antonio de Mosquera
Spanish Musketeers 3 stands
Spanish Pike 3 stands
Colonial Militia 4 stands
Colonial Militia 4 stands
Colonial Militia 4 stands
1 Saker
2 Colonial Light Horse 2 stands
3 Colonial Militia 3 stands
4-6 Nothing
The terrain is quite simple. On a 30” by 40” table, set up an 18” hill in one corner. This hill is the Spanish deployment area. The four gun battery is not deployed on the table. Any two of the Spanish units are placed in entrenchments.
After the Spanish have deployed, the English set up anywhere on the table, but must be at least 12” from the Spanish and must cover a fron of at least 18”.
The English must drive the Spanish from the hill.
At the beginning of each turn, each player rolls on die and consults their reinforcement list. The same reinforcements may be rolled and placed more than once per game. The Spanish place their reinforcements in the corner edge of the table behind their hill. The English place their reinforcements 6” behind their start line.
Design Notes: This scenario is designed for the rules, Spanish Fury: Actions, by the Perfect Captain, I have used troop types from both Spanish Fury:Actions and Spanish Fury:Voyage.
The English outnumber the Spanish by two-to-one. Their quality is also superior to the Spanish. The actual troop types and number of stands are conjecture; your guess is as good as mine. The reinforcements are non-historical; something thrown in for fun.
Thinking Outside The Box
2 hours ago
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