We recently played the Dennewitz scenario with Volley and Bayonet. A six player game, we played for 5 hours.
The brave Allied defenders, Chris, Kyle, and Brady.
The bold French attackers, Jim, Ted, and Dan
All of the French allies, except the Bavarians, were supplied by Dan; Italians, Poles, Wurtemburgers, and Saxons. It's been 5 or 6 years since Dan has been at one of our games and we are glad he was able to join us.
Bertrand's IV French Corps pins the Allied left. The French plan was to seize the Windmill Heights and Gohlsdorf and exhaust the Allies as they attacked.
The Allied plan was to reinforce their left before the French could overwhelm it and take the Windmill Heights and exhaust the French as they counterattacked.
Both sides in this game get reinforcements for the first five turns. A meeting engagement of the historiacal kind. Here French reinforcements move up the Leipzig Road toward Dennewitz.
The action was hot and heavy on the Allied right as the two armies fought back and forth.
In the last half of the game, control of the Windmill Heights changes several times. The heights and the town of Goehlsdorf are victory points for the French.
By the end of the game the reinforced Allied left attacks the French as well.
This game ended in a French victory, 75-22. This is one of my favorite Napoleonic scenarios. Created by my good friend, John Holtz, I've played in it five times and GM'ed it once. Each game is different and exciting. It's easy to understand why Frank Chadwick included this one in the rule book.
GM Magazine from 1990
1 hour ago
Hi Mike, I have been intrigued by your gaming 'sheet'....I assume it is a fluffy/hairy material, how did you get it so matted looking, the effect is terrific.!
I bought cheap faux fur at a fabric store, (Joann's.) I used several colors of green and brown and spray painted. I then sprayed on adhesive and flocked it. I gamed on felt for many years. My "young, second, understanding" wife has helped me create better terrain.